Sustainable Land Management Rooted in Tikanga and Science.

Landowner Consulting

  • Landowner advisor in Forestry Right/JV development

    Land use optimization assessments

    Landowner forest management plans

    Financial modelling

    Spatial information (ArcGIS mapping)

    Risk management

Taiao (Environmental) planning

  • Indigenous forestry and riparian management

    Stream health assessment

    Resource consent preparation

    RMA Compliance auditing

Forest Management

  • H&S management

    Harvest planning, forest engineering and management

    Forest planning and management

    Wahi tapu site management

Carbon/ETS Administration

  • Holding Account Administration

    Spatial Management

    Data Management

    FMA Plotting

    Technical Reporting

Collectively the Rātā team has over two hundred years of Forest Management experience. Our services include Landowner Consulting, Taiao (Environmental) Planning and Carbon ETS Administration.

Rātā is guided by Tikanga Māori wisdom complemented by contemporary forest management science.

Te Oranga O Te Tangata; He Whenua

Our wellbeing relies on the land.